To ensure a happy, healthy dog regular exercise in an area where the is plenty of room to run, play and explore is of paramount importance. Our whole philosophy is to provide interest and enjoyment for all whilst in our care.
Due to new regulations we are unable to pair up dogs from different households inside but are allowed to run them out together. We hope to do this in many cases. Those from the same household will share the same kennel as before.
After careful observation we endeavour to run your dog with one of the opposite sex with age, size and temperament to match, providing company and in many cases a playful romp. Obviously the occasional loner or bitch in season has to be kept alone but the regular exercise and layout ensures they feel very much a part of the community.
Larger kennels are available for families of three or four dogs to be housed together.
During the day all dogs will have at least five, free running exercise periods ranging from 10 to 20 minutes per outing in the large grass paddocks.
To try and maintain a homely routine and for the comfort of the dogs all are given a further outing at 10pm. They will be welcomed back in from this last run of the day with bonio biscuits as a treat and to help them settle down.
Vaccinations MUST be up to date and the certificate produced on your pets admission. We Now Insist Upon The Kennel Cough Vaccination.
Please Label Clearly Any Medication or Special diets and advise us of any previous medical history.
Please provide a scoop or measuring cup if bringing you’re own food.